Thursday, November 6, 2008

Quotes and Relations

“In order to be mature, one must be able to take credit for their rights and admit their wrongs.”
-Thomas Szasz

-For Sonny, he matures the moment he realizes that a drug addiction is not a way of life. When he takes on a passion for music, he begins to admit his wrongs about his past life. By starting over, Sonny was able to take on a new way of life, where he can “Take credit for [his] rights and admit [his] wrongs."

-Dexter, being the man he is, cannot let go of Judy Jones and is wrapped up in her love even after she left. He is so caught up with thoughts of Judy, that he cannot understand his wrongs and rights, and therefore can not admit to them.

-When King Richard finally begins to listen to his own thoughts and ideas, he is too late. He matures on his deathbed by admitting to his followers that he is just like them. He admits that being a king is not all pride and glory, but a misfortune in ways that only he can understand.

-In Dickinson’s poem “A door just opened,” there is not many mistakes to admit to. This poem represents all the good things in life as Emily walks through the opened door. In the poem, the door closes behind her as if she has made the right decision to pass through to the second stage of life.

Written and edited by Caroline Burlingham

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