Thursday, November 6, 2008

Caroline's Initiation

In everyone’s lifetime, we have the chance to mature and show our true selves. In my life, I discovered that I matured when I was able to go across the world by myself and not be scared. This past summer, I traveled with a People2People program to France, Italy, and Greece. This was the first time that I had been out of the country without the comfort of a friend or family member by my side. At first, I was afraid that homesickness would get the best of me and ruin my trip, but I was able to overcome my fears. I tried to escape my usually shy self and become an outgoing person and make new friends. Of course this was difficult, but once you have made those friends, than you are set for life. On one of the last trips I had been on, my homesickness replaced the fun in the trip and I was miserable, so I made sure that this didn’t happen. We were already so busy with educational fun, but I made it impossible to have any free alone time where I might think of home. By doing this, I not only made better friends and locked out my sadness, but I enhanced my trip by being involved in every possible activity. During my trip I not only accomplished my goal of having a great time, but I learned what it really feels like to be mature and take matters into your own hands.
-Written and edited by Caroline Burlingham

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