Thursday, November 6, 2008

Julie's Initiation

Initiation in my life

At some point in all our lives, we mature and become responsible for ourselves. In my life, initiation was a big part. Before I was in middle school, I didn’t know a lot of English, but I used that as an excuse to not complete my homework each night. As the days passed and the weeks went by, I learned that I had no choice and homework had to be done. Not only did I begin to do my homework, but I realized it was necessary to have it done and I became aware of the importance of showing that I had understood the concepts. More and more, I had my homework done every night. I accepted to do it on a regular basis as it helped me for the upcoming challenges in school. I could see so many things happening when I did my homework; I was getting better at English so I could make new friends, my teachers had new perspectives on my abilities to speak English, and it enabled to be less different from the other kids. I took the responsibility to do more homework on my own, without having to be asked or pushed. Showing others that I was capable of doing all my homework by myself, not only gave me self confidence, but I gained respect from other kids, my teachers, and my parents. Throughout this time, I have matured enough to be able to work on long projects, getting organized, study on my own, and being responsible for myself.
-Written and edited by Julie Philippe

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